Hidden Killer

What the training deliverers

It is a legal requirement that all who may come in contact with asbestos in their day to day activities, or who supervise or influence work that may expose individuals to asbestos have been provided with asbestos awareness training.

Training for asbestos awareness is intended to provide workers and supervisors the information they need to avoid work which could disturb the fabric of a building, or items which might contain asbestos. It will not prepare workers to carry out work with asbestos-containing materials.

Every employer must make sure that anyone who is liable to disturb asbestos during their normal work, or who supervises those employees, gets the correct level of information, instruction and training so that they can work safely and competently without risk to themselves or others.

Workers and supervisors must be able to recognise asbestos-containing materials and know what to do if they come across them in order to protect themselves and others.

Awareness Training includes:

  • The properties of asbestos and its effects on health.
  • Types, uses and likely occurrence of asbestos and asbestos materials in buildings and plant.
  • General procedures to deal with an uncontrolled release of asbestos dust into the workplace.
  • How to avoid the risk of exposure to asbestos.