Developing safer working practices

Safety audits are a valuable tool for any company, under section 9(1) of the Work Place Health and Safety Act 1995 an employer must provide and maintain a safe system of work as far as is reasonably practicable.

A safe system of work is one which minimises the risk of employees and others from being injured or harmed by the work activity.

  • To achieve this required level of safety, the employer must:
  • Consider contemporary technical standards and approved codes of practice applicable to his/her business
  • Systematically identify all hazards in the workplace
  • Determine which of the identified hazards are significant
  • Take all practicable steps to eliminate or at least minimise the risk of injury or harm from the hazard through isolation substitution, administrative or engineering means, or the provision of personal protective equipment.

Our consultant will assist you to evaluate the hazards within your business, and they will help you develop safe systems of work to help reduce hazards and risk to your employees, contractors and the public.